Community Threat Intelligence

Service Area

Washington State | The Greater Seattle Area | Whatcom County | Skagit County | Snohomish County | King County

Service Type
Services Include

Breakdowns of our Incident and Patrol Reports | Research and Presentation of Risk & Threat Likelihood | Community Crime, Homelessness, and Drug-Use Insights

Harnessing Insight for Community Safety and Awareness

RSU's Community Threat Intelligence service is a cornerstone of our commitment to enhancing the safety and well-being of communities. We offer a comprehensive suite of analytics, metrics, research, and investigative services to address community-related threats, including social unrest, trending crises, crime statistics, bad actors, extremist groups, misinformation, cybersecurity attacks, and potential emergency situations like active shooters. Our focus extends to in-depth insights into crime, homelessness, drug use, theft, vehicle crimes, and overall community health, all aimed at equipping our clients and their communities with the knowledge needed for informed decision-making and proactive measures.

Advanced Analytics & Metrics: We utilize cutting-edge technology and methodologies to gather, analyze, and interpret data related to community threats. Our analytics cover a broad spectrum, from social event monitoring to crisis trend analysis, providing our clients with a detailed understanding of their environment.

Investigations & Research: Our staff conducts thorough investigations and research into specific news, threats or incidents, delving deep into the underlying factors and actors. Whether it's an emerging risk or an ongoing issue, we provide actionable intelligence to guide your security strategy, and help neighborhoods plan their safety more effectively.

Community Engagement & Insight: Through interviews, surveys, and continuous engagement with community members, we gather qualitative data that reflects the real-time sentiments, concerns, and experiences of those directly affected. This approach ensures our intelligence is grounded in the reality of the community's needs and perspectives.

Risk Assessment & Continuity Testing: We offer specialized consultancy services in risk assessment and continuity planning, ensuring that organizations are not only aware of potential threats but are also prepared to respond effectively. Our continuity testing and consultancy are integral to maintaining operational resilience in the face of crises.

Collaboration with Authorities & Agencies: RSU works closely with law enforcement, local governments, City Councils, chambers, unions, neighborhood watch and Community Emergency Response Teams, Search and Rescue, county GIS agencies, and departments of emergency planning, among others, to gather comprehensive information. Our partnerships ensure that we provide the most current and relevant intelligence to our clients, keeping them informed about key details, alerts, and developments.

Empowering Clients with Actionable Intelligence

  1. Community Metric Reports: Our tailored reports provide our security clients with valuable insights into their local area, going beyond mere interaction data to include broader community metrics and trends.
  2. Security Planning Support: We leverage our intelligence to assist in security and safety planning, offering a strategic edge that is informed by a deep understanding of community dynamics.
  3. Information for Frontline Security Personnel: The intelligence we gather is not only for strategic purposes but also serves as vital information for our security personnel on the ground, enhancing their situational awareness and operational effectiveness.
  4. Client-Specific Area Information: We provide clients with detailed information about their specific area, including potential threats and community issues, enabling a targeted and effective security response.

RSU's Community Threat Intelligence system is a testament to our dedication to offering comprehensive intelligence and investigative resources. We believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge they need to navigate complex community dynamics safely and confidently. Our services are designed to keep communities informed, prepared, and resilient, fostering a safer environment for all. Join us in our mission to create informed, secure communities equipped to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.


"Good Evening! I am writing to express my deep gratitude for the presence of your staff at the civic field shelter. I am the PM supervisor on a lot of the nights of the week. I would like to call out your recent new hire, T, specifically.

There was an altercation which became physical between two guests on Sunday night, T sprang into action and was quickly in between the two parties. He successfully defused the situation before anyone was seriously hurt and aided me in further de-escalation and removal of the parties involved from the premises. T has in my opinion gone above and beyond his call in this instance and I felt the need to express my deep gratitude for his presence and assistance on Sunday.

Thank you all very much again, your help has been crucial in running a safe shelter for our vulnerable neighbors.

-Connor McAdams”
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